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Job 42: 1-6 0 d 0 h  LOut of the WhirlwindP d N%d1XȜ?t x>I spoke of things I did not understand??, d N{d1XȜ? n4My ears had heard, but now my eyes see55, d N(.d1XȜ?! l  C THEREFORE  ,  d NLF{d1XȜ?2 )M  UI despise myself and repent,H d 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.@dnn+D=' b= @B + 0 P0(  H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.@dnn+D=' b= @B +rh07Pb:#?)05C;1@XDuHL*QDV[i`eJjoty 1Oh+'0l `hx  Slide 1 Jim McKee Jim McKee25Microsoft Office PowerPoint@q @@p4H@p{P.+Gh;  ,V'&" WMFCQ <8?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO)PicturesDCurrent UserSummaryInformation(ePowerPoint Document(#=DocumentSummaryInformation8