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Job 13: 23-24 23: 3-5(((((( : Where is God when it hurts? 0 Psalm 71: 12 ,  , God s great mistake? 0PAINX < Fearfully & Wonderfully Made 0Psalm 139: 13-17$<  When you have no experience of pain, it is rather hard to experience joy. ON0 George Wald  ( Job 36:15 - Elihu speaks   But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction.  ($ 2God s megaphone..  God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain. It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world. 0 C.S. Lewis  ( The big IF...(BRomans 8: 16-17 "6 The big IF...(B!Romans 8: 16-17 BUT verse 18 ""!6, light & momentary..? 6II Corinthians 4: 16-18 "6-What is already a part of your relationship? .-<( Doesn t God know that He might actually drive people away from Him?6D5BB B A faith refined...6I Peter 1: 6-7 Isaiah 48: 8-11 " 6BAs you suffer, God may not show you why, but He will show you Who.NC$BBBBB 2The wicked prosper.. 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"System-@Times New Roman???????I??-. 3f 2 6h-X.-@Times New Roman???????I??-. 3f 2 6l19.-՜.+,0x     $  On-screen ShowDell Computer Corporation1' =Times New RomanArialMonotype SortsScratchPerpetua Titling MTBookman Old Style Perpetua Poor RichardSylfaenCambriaPapyrus Dads TiePsalm 34: 17-19Bnot doubt-free certainty; rather, it is tenacious obedience.The Pain of Christianity)Salvation is free. Discipleship costs.Where are You, God?A3 Questions that no one asks. (but we all do - Job started it)A3 Questions that no one asks. (but we all do - Job started it)A3 Questions that no one asks. (but we all do - Job started it)Where is God when it hurts?Gods great mistake?Fearfully & Wonderfully MadeOWhen you have no experience of pain, it is rather hard to experience joy.Job 36:15 - Elihu speaksGods megaphone.. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain. It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.The big IF...The big IF...light & momentary..?.What is already a part of your relationship?DDoesnt God know that He might actually drive people away from Him?A faith refined...CAs you suffer, God may not show you why, but He will show you Who.3The wicked prosper.. The righteous are afflicted..#Rain & Sun Righteous & Unrighteous4Is pain & suffering Gods punishment for our sin?LWhy do bad things happen to those who love Jesus & to those loved by Jesus?(Is my suffering proportional to my sin?Wages of sin is.? Suffering?!Does God punish & discipline me?.Is all my pain & suffering because of my sin?Not Why? but rather...Why wont God just heal us?#Philippians 1: 29 I Peter 4: 12-199II Corinthians 12: 7-10 I Timothy 5: 23 II Timothy 4: 20 Slide 34 Slide 35Do we get what we deserve?Do we get what we deserve? Isaiah 53: 4-6 I Peter 2: 21-25Philip Yancey)Psalm 10: 1 Psalm 10: 17-18 Psalm 22: 24Psalm 119: 50William Barclay"Does our suffering glorify God?2This isnt the way God intended for it to be...7Our attitude toward suffering? Its our choice... Slide 46 Slide 478From the pain of the moment, to the joy of eternity...Where is God when it hurts?  Fonts Used Design Template Slide Titles1!_ Jim McKeeJim McKee  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO)Current UserSummaryInformation(sKPowerPoint Document(DocumentSummaryInformation8