Can the Cross and the Crescent Coexist?

August 7, 2011 – September 4, 2011



There is an interesting movement gaining momentum in the United States today. It has received the descriptive term “Chrislam.” It is an interfaith movement that emphasizes the common beliefs of Christianity and Islam. (The movement also suggests joining with the Jewish believers) How do the beliefs of Christianity and Islam intertwine? Are there common beliefs that we can agree upon? What are the dangers of “Chrislam?” This study looks at the foundational basics of the faiths and asks, “Can we coexist?”



Audio (.mp3)


August 7, 2011


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August 14, 2011


August 21, 2011


August 28, 2011


September 4, 2011



Can the Cross and the Crescent Coexist Synopsis

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